Newsletter Archive

  • We Need Your Help

    Nov 2023 Hi, Michael   For us, The Flower Letters is very much a dream come true. I have always known how talented Hannie is, from singing, writ...
  • The Magic of Time

    Nov 2023 I hope this week's newsletter finds you well, as always. Above is a throwback to our very first website banner - we're thinking about brin...
  • Healing Through Connection

    Oct 2023 We hope this message finds you happy and well and enjoying this Fall season.     In the coming weeks, life will get busy for many of us - ...
  • The 4th Pillar

    Oct 2023 After we sent the last newsletter I got a message from my dad asking what the 4th pillar of our mission is. It then dawned on me that I di...
  • Reasons to Hope

    Oct 2023 This is an excerpt from a newsletter we sent in February of 2022. It seemed appropriate to share again, given everything that has been hap...
  • Slow Down

    April 2023 Hi, Michael   I hope you are having a fantastic Memorial Day weekend (in the US), and enjoying time with friends, family, and loved ones...
  • Joy Relief Connection

    Oct 2023 Michael This is a big week at The Flower Letters. Please stay tuned to our social media and emails for announcements, releases, and detail...
  • The Horizon of Hope

    May 2023 Michael here...again. I hope you are well, happy and thriving wherever you are!    In the last two weeks I have been impacted by the top...
  • Snickers Ice Cream = The Flower Letters?

    March 2023  I hope this newsletter finds you well! Are you looking forward to Spring? I certainly am! There is so much to love about the days lea...
  • Remembering and Deep Joy

    May 2022 Hello Story Lovers!  In recent weeks we've been thinking back on this experience we've been having sharing The Flower Letters ...
  • Honoring Mothers

    May 2023 Michael here. Hannie is sleeping in this morning and taking a well-deserved break. I am truly blessed to have her as the Mother of our chi...
  • Gentle Souls

    March 2023 Hi, Michael   We're excited to share another Love Letter from Hannie this week. Its been a minute since we last shared a Love ...