Snickers Ice Cream = The Flower Letters?

March 2023 
I hope this newsletter finds you well! Are you looking forward to Spring? I certainly am! There is so much to love about the days leading up to Spring. While often dark and cold, depending on where you live, these days are also opportunities to hope! 
Hope is a feeling unlike anything else! That Spring will come is there is no hope in a sure thing. But aspects of Spring can and should be full of hope. Perhaps hope that warmer days and more sun will dispel winter blues, that your spring flowers will bloom brighter than last year, or that the newness of Spring will keep you looking forward to better things. 
The truth is we all need a reason to hope and something to look forward to. This is so much a part of why we created and continue on this journey with you.
Sometimes it's just the simple things that get us through. I remember early in our marriage I was working full time and going to school full time and serving in our community - it was busy and it was stressful! This on top of raising a toddler son made life...interesting, hard, joyful...all of the above, really! So almost every Friday we'd buy the cheapest ice cream and two snickers bars. We'd chop up the snickers and add them to a cup (big cup) of ice cream and then stir in milk. We'd put our son to bed and watch a movie. My soul needed this time and enjoyment more than I probably knew.  I needed that hope that the stress would melt away for a couple of hours on Friday night.  I needed my Snickers ice cream and a movie with Hannie, big time! My body and waistline could have done without the snickers, but hey, we were young. 
It brings me a lot of joy to learn that The Flower Letters is something so many look forward to! Maybe it is or could be your Snickers ice cream and a movie! If it is, I hope it continues to play this role in your life. We will keep creating stories you can look forward to.
If it isn't yet, I hope you'll consider us if you need something to look forward to. We will do our best to make it the experience you need. The first pillar of our mission is to bring you joy and that is the commitment we make each and every day.  
I hope you have a wonderful weekend...maybe grab some cheap ice cream, snickers and mix it in with some milk. I admit its not the fanciest but it gets the job done. 